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Edited by Beesley, Ho, Kubacki, Lee and O'Shea

Future Public Environments was held as a collaborative studio at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture during fall, 2011. Professor Phillip Beesley worked with graduate students Miriam Ho, Marta Kubacki, Eisa Lee and Kristal O'Shea. The studio focused on several questions: what boundaries might lie between living systems and inert buildings? what might a future architecture look like, and how might it behave? Amidst polarized scales of personal communication and global economies, what public space might be found? As turbulent natural forces assert themselves, how might we search for renewed human relationships with the environment that can grow and flourish. Might architecture contribute to a renewed whole?

Edited by Philip Beesley, Miriam Ho, Marta Kubacki, Eisa Lee and Kristal O'Shea Riverside Architectural Press, 2012