Dissipative Architectures book cover

Dissipative Architectures

Workshop with CITA Studio and Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture

By Philip Beesley

"To date, much of the associated architectural thinking and conceptualization has been restricted to a relatively narrow field of potential spatial and experiential implications, in particular around the notion of smart homes driven by preprogrammed behaviours. However an alternative point of departure is to consider a living system like a densely layered forest, where di usive, deeply interwoven material expands and interacts with its surroundings. An architecture capable of handling unstable conditions might look like a forest. It could possess agency to modulate its environment, be aware of its occupancy, and be capable of a ect through kinetic mechanisms that use dense arrays of microprocessors and sensors. Rather than be pre-programmed with behaviour beforehand, it could learn behaviours that are meaningful and interesting over a longer time."

Beesley, Philip. “Dissipative Architectures: Workshop with CITA Studio and Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture.” Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture Nov 2015: 5-28. Print.