Second Land: A Ground Unveilling

Domaine de Boisbuchet

Lessac, France - 2019

Could we imagine creating a new surface for the earth? Second Land makes use of simple natural materials like saplings and reeds, drawn locally from the riverside lands and agricultural fields of the Domaine and woven together with massed arrays of liquid-carrying vessels. Workshop participants at the Domaine worked together to construct an interwoven hybrid membrane which covers the land and creates shelter, hoping to discover renewed qualities of fertility. The workshop was preceded by the demonstration of pattern-books and open geometries from the Living Architecture Systems Group and the Hylozoic Series, setting the precedent for common form-languages to emerge.

Domaine de Boisbuchet is a French country estate where Alexander von Vegesack, co-founder and director of the Vitra Design Museum from 1988 to 2011, established a non-profit center for design education. For the past twenty years, the Domaine de Boisbuchet has hosted workshops on design and related disciplines conducted by internationally acclaimed experts and organized design seminars and competitions.
